For Individuals

Audit and Analysis of the Investment Portfolio (Risk and Return Analysis)

Audit and analysis of Assets, Stocks, Risk Structure and Return of the Investment Portfolio

IQ Smart Capital provides audit and analysis services for the current portfolio of the investor, will be able to deeply study the previously selected assets and risks for each of them, as well as find errors and/or opportunities for better diversification and increased profitability. Portfolio analysis can help an investor understand the strengths and weaknesses of his investment strategy, get an economic (fundamental) analysis of companies, risk analysis of all assets and the portfolio as a whole.

Most novice investors implement their strategy unconsciously, and do not fully understand what they are doing, what the return will be, what the portfolio risk will be, whether it is worth having dividend companies in the portfolio, etc. As a result, an investor's portfolio is simply a set of assets, either with excess risk, or with excessive diversification, or the structure and composition of the portfolio contradicts his strategy.

As an expert in investment and finance, we will help you understand and formulate a strategy, adjust your capital structure, diversify, set risk and expected return targets, and avoid excessive risk in your portfolio.

You can find out more useful information about investing in US and European stocks on the main page of our website. Please make a request for a consultation on the service Analysis of Return and Risks of your Investment portfolio, and our managers will contact you as soon as possible!


See the price of services on the page - Prices for services

Analysis of your investment portfolio
Analysis of your investment portfolio
Risk analysis, portfolio profitability analysis, Kyiv, Ukraine
Order an investment portfolio analysis
Analysis of the risk and profitability of the investment portfolio
Analysis of the current state of assets and the entire Portfolio

Analysis of the current state of assets and the entire Portfolio

Fundamental analysis of portfolio assets, review of important business indicators of companies, key performance metrics and financial health.

Analysis of Portfolio risks, diversification and volatility

Analysis of Portfolio risks, diversification and volatility

Checking the risk indicators of each asset and the entire portfolio as a whole. Analysis of portfolio diversification, volatility and market risk.

Our Approach:

First of all, we understand and respect the financial goals of our clients. To do this, we discuss your needs and take into account your tolerance and appetite for risk. In a way, we are also trying to dissuade clients from a simplistic understanding of the market and provide a deeper understanding of the broad possibilities of the stock market.

As a partner in the world of finance, IQ Smart Capital strives to create value for its clients through technology and knowledge in the field of finance and investment! Before concluding an agreement, we advise our clients, study their financial situation and the possibilities of long-term, successful and mutually beneficial cooperation.

Our Advantages:

We use a competent fundamental approach, modern analytical tools to develop strategies and implement the tasks of our clients! In our work, we focus on the stock market and ETFs of different asset classes, as these financial instruments provide an opportunity to achieve your goals and get a higher return per unit of risk than the broad market.

We mainly use long-term Relative Return Strategies, the purpose of which is to obtain a higher return per unit of risk, or to obtain a similar return, but with less risk.

We use a unique risk analysis and management system, which makes it possible to provide a stable return on investment and the optimal level of risk that is most suitable for our clients in the medium- and long-term period.

Benefits for Clients:

Clients of IQ Smart Capital can take advantage of modern wide opportunities of the stock market, have their own independent and unique investment portfolio that can cover average annual inflation, can provide high efficiency and stable results in in the medium- and long-term period.

A unique risk monitoring and management system allows us to adapt а current investment portfolio in advance to future changes in the economy. It also allows us to achieve a truly stable return on investment, depending on the strategy, goals and investment horizon!

Useful information on the section

The current strategy is future-oriented, but to what horizon?

The current strategy is future-oriented, but to what horizon?

Investment decisions of any investor are closely linked to their long-term financial prospects. When discussing the formation of an investment portfolio, it is important not only to define specific goals but also to clearly outline the time horizon of expected outcomes. For instance, an investor may aim for a yearly growth of 12%, or aspire to a more ambitious goal of increasing their portfolio by 5 times with subsequent real estate acquisition. However, to achieve these goals, it is necessary not only to devise an investment plan but also to carefully select assets for portfolio construction. In this context, the question of risk diversification arises. To strike an optimal balance between expected returns and risk level, an investor should consider including various assets in their portfolio, such as US stocks, bonds, and other investment instruments relevant to their investment strategy. Investing in US stocks, for example, can present an attractive opportunity for achieving high returns in the long term, given the growth dynamics of the American stock market and the innovative potential of many US companies. However, it is essential to also consider the risks associated with market volatility and specific situational factors that may impact stock prices. Thus, the formation of an investment portfolio requires careful analysis and selection of investment instruments, taking into account not only expected returns but also the risk associated with each. Ultimately, an investor's goal should be achieved through balancing risk and potential returns, ensuring sustainable growth and preservation of their investment portfolio in the long run. Please follow the links below to order a consultation!

What investment objectives underlie the portfolio structure?

What investment objectives underlie the portfolio structure?

When analyzing an existing investment portfolio, it is important to consider that the behavior of its assets directly impacts the overall results. However, the key aspect here is the portfolio structure, which significantly influences its efficiency and risk level. Asset diversity encompasses various economic sectors, regional and geographical factors, as well as asset classes such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and other financial instruments. Effective portfolio management involves a deliberate selection and determination of the portfolio's target structure, reflecting the investor's investment goals and risk level. For instance, investments in US stocks may be a key component of an investment portfolio for those seeking long-term capital growth, considering the historically high returns and potential of the US stock market. However, it is important to remember the necessity of risk diversification. This entails distributing funds among different assets and market sectors to reduce the overall risk level in the portfolio. Insufficient diversification can lead to increased volatility and potential losses in case of failure in a specific market or sector. Thus, effective management of an investment portfolio requires not only analyzing the current state and behavior of assets but also a strategic approach to portfolio structure considering investment goals, risk level, and growth opportunities in the stock market. Investment and financial advice at the link below:

How to reduce portfolio risk and optimize profitability?

How to reduce portfolio risk and optimize profitability?

To effectively optimise the profitability of an investment portfolio, it is important to consider not only basic parameters but also the nuances of the investment strategy, the focus on investments in US stocks, and positioning in the stock market. Questions of risk diversification and profitability optimisation are key in the context of building a successful investment strategy. Optimising an investment portfolio begins with defining basic objectives. It is important to determine whether you aim to achieve maximum profitability per unit of a specific asset or if your goal is to outperform the broad S&P500 market. This question is often posed by experienced investors with a deep understanding of the market and long-term investment experience. Classical investment theory emphasises that the strategy should aim to increase portfolio profitability while minimising risks such as beta and volatility. Achieving this goal typically involves diversifying the portfolio across different assets and sectors to reduce overall risk. Effective asset allocation in the portfolio, taking into account macroeconomic trends and market forecasts, plays a crucial role in achieving desired outcomes. Our company offers consultancy services for optimising investment portfolios, taking into account individual financial goals and the client's risk tolerance. We assist clients in developing strategies aimed at achieving maximum profitability with minimal risk, considering US stocks and the current economic situation in the stock market. Our experts use advanced market analysis methods and modelling to ensure optimal portfolio positioning and maximise potential investment returns. Find out our prices for personal services: